ASK HMW: Is Bhagavad Geeta fatalistic? How can one find one's Dharma if one has no desire? ( Bhagavad Gita

5 points | Post submitted by shankara 1752 days ago | 5 comments | viewed 2078 times

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Is Dharma external then? Something forced onto a person?

  • jay 1752 days ago | +0 points

    Also isn't it that one should not have any desire is desire itself? 


  • Indic 1751 days ago | +0 points

    Dharma doesn't exactly mean religion. Dharma is not an imposition. It is the true nature and identity of a soul. The human life is an opportunity to search for that. The Bhagwad Gita (or any other scripture) benefits us best if we read it as "guide book". 

    You're right about "wanting not to have any desire" itself being a desire! Therefore somewhere it is clarified,  "anya-abhilashita-shunyam", not just "abhilasha-shunyam"!

    • shankara 1751 days ago | +0 points

      I was using Dharma to mean duty. How can someone know what their duty is without having desire to find the duty? 


  • Indic 1751 days ago | +0 points

    No the Gita isn't fatalistic. 

    It just states the facts,  as they are.  If you do this,  this will happen. Like, if you drop your glass,  it may break! 

    It analyzes work, effort and all the interplaying factors and how result is produced. It also tells us which factors are under our control and which one's aren't. It then goes on to say that we must still do our duty.


  • Dharmikbhakt 1739 days ago | +0 points

    Doesn't it seem to be forced by our external circumstance, however the impulse to restore dharma in our life arises from within?


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