How do I meditate on who am I if I'm not the body, not even the mind? ( Meditation and Charity Yoga Ramana Maharshi Transcendental Meditation

1 points | Post submitted by yoglicaspirit 641 days ago | 0 comments | viewed 779 times

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Who am I is not something to be meditated upon.

In Sri Ramana Maharshi's Self Enquiry, Who Am I means what is the source of the “I" thought?

Sri Ramana Maharshi says,

Mind is nothing but a bundle of thoughts. The root thought is the thought “I". It's only after the “I" thought arises, that all other thoughts arise. If the “I" thought is held on to, all other thoughts subside. Finally, the “I" thought itself will subside like the stick that is used to stir the funeral pyre is finally consumed by the fire.

The affirmation, I am not the body, I am not the mind, I am the Self is a very powerful aid for Self Enquiry says Sri Ramana Maharshi.

Meditation always implies the triad of meditator, object of meditation and the process of meditation.

In Self Enquiry, the focus is only on the subject “I". By whom?

The “I" tries to remain as “I" without trying to attach itself to other thoughts, feelings, emotions and sensations.

Whenever it is noticed that the “I" thought is wandering away towards the other objects, attention must be brought back to the “I" through the enquiry 'Who am I'.

To whom are these thoughts, feelings, emotions and sensations? The answer will be to “me". If it's to me, then Who Am I? Meaning, what is the source of the “I" thought.

The attention is brought back to the Self. This is known as Self Attention.

I is nothing but the Self. It is unlimited and is in everything and everywhere. Only when this I becomes identified with the body, feelings, and all that's related to it…it, the very same I appears as the limited “I" or the ego.

Thanks for reading


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