Why Bhagavata purana is considered the foremost of all puranas? Bhagavata ( Puranas in Vaishnavism)

9 points | Post submitted by nidhi_agwl 1472 days ago | 5 comments | viewed 770 times

ASK HMW: Why Bhagavata purana is considered the foremost of all puranas?

  • MetaDota1477 days ago | +1 points
    There are several reasons why Srimad Bhagavatam is considered the foremost of all Puranas. Firstly what must be understand is the that Puranas mirror Sruti. They are called Puranas because they complete the Vedas (Puran means to complete). And just like the Vedas contain different categories of knowledge in accordance with the eligibility of different Jivas, so do the Puranas. Of all the Puranas, the Sattvic Puranas are considered greatest because pure knowledge arises from Sattva Guna. Of the Sattvic Puranas, Srimad Bhagavatam is considered topmost for several reasons.
    • Ishaani1455 days ago | +2 points

      "The Sattvic Puranas are considered greatest because pure knowledge arises from Sattva Guna"

      Literally the stupidest thing I've heard in a while. Also, who made you an admin by the way?

      • jay1449 days ago | +0 points

        You are right about it, above post has been downvoted because of lack of citation. 

        Thank you for your comment. 

    • noemail1451 days ago | +1 points
      > Puran means to complete purāṇa (पुराण) means old, antique not to complete. pūraṇa (पूरण) means to complete.

  • PaPaJi1452 days ago | +0 points

    It is a very subjective opinion that Bhagvata Purana is considered foremost. It may be considered foremost by Vaishnavites. What about Shakta? or Shaivas?


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