Did Vivekanda say that in Vedas, is it justified to eat beef? (swamivivekananda.guru) Vivekananda

5 points | Post submitted by ASNayak 1461 days ago | 3 comments | viewed 1727 times

Link of Web Resource/Blog/Video : swamivivekananda.guru

As per the article, Swami ji said earlier in India, people used to eat beef. But he never gave any reference to his claim. So, should we have to accept swami ji's claim?

  • jay1461 days ago | +1 points

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful link, we need more such type off myth breaking links. 

    What else myths are going on in name of Swami Vivekananda? 


  • Parijat1461 days ago | +1 points

    We need to elaborate " Beef " eating "Bhaisa" is  also considered beef in today world . Hindu's have a tradition of Bhaisa Bali during Dusshera & eating that as Prasadam in some parts of East & North India .In Nepal they follow it even today at " Pashupati Nath Temple " . So . Eating beef doesn't meat eating COW .


  • VedDev1453 days ago | +1 points

    When studying Vivekananda , note that his message is on  various fronts - he condensed a lot in his decade of working life. So be fair to him - study and contemplate him objectively.It takes around 20 25 years to properly assimilate him that too with guidance of some monks and their grace.

    Some parts of his message may seem to contradict other parts because he was responding to the context and the specific needs of the questioner/audience.

    Some of his message is purely for his brother monks.

    Some of his message is for fellow Indians and patriotic in nature.

    Some of his message is topical - temporal and his own opinion on various topics - it may have become dated in some places.

    Some of his message is for humanity at large and lay people.

    Some of his message is Purely Spiritual and Timeless.


    The vedas talk in obscure and esoteric language which can be properly undersootd only when our superintuitive faculty is operative. 

    What is the go - the cow ? It is the e-go - roams the world daily - grazes and gazes on various sense objects and comes back home in the evening. Later chews the cud. Too much of e-go feeb-les us . So we need to eat it up.

    However used properly - the same e-go can be milked for the greater good. 

    Our Ancient Seers were highly creative and clarified souls - we should study them objectively and meditate deep on the meaning of the words. It's a journey of many lifetimes.


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