Chakra and respective God Lalita Sahasranama

1 points | Post submitted by jay 773 days ago | 2 comments | viewed 815 times

Which Chakra is associated with which Hindu God?

Please use the current Hindu Gods, and not only the Vedic ones.

  • jay773 days ago | +0 points

    this answer basis three sources:

     1. Lalitā-Sahasranāma.

     2. The Serpent Power by Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe).

     3. Garuda Purana



    ## 1. Lalitāsahasranāmam:

    A good amount of detail is found in the [lalitāsahasranāma][1]: Verses 98 to 110

    I'm compiling a table for a bird's eye view:

    |Sr. No. | Chakra <br>Name| Location|Presiding Deity<br> (Yogini)| Complexion of<br>the deity|Body Parts<br>Controlled | Food | Corresponding<br> Verses| English Name|


    |  1. |**Mūlādhāracakra** <br>(मूलाधारचक्र)  | In between the<br> Anus & Genitila  | **Sākinyambā**  | Smoke-Colored  | Bones|Mudgaudana<br>(मुद्गौदना)  | [Verse 106][2]| Sacral Plexus|

    |  2. | **Svādhiṣṭhānacakra** <br>(स्वाधिष्ठानचक्र)  | At the root<br> of Genitila  | **Kākinīyambā** |Yellow-Colored  | Fat| Mead<br>(मधु)  | [Verse 104-105][3]| Postatic Plexus|

    |  3. | **Maṇipūracakra**<br> (मणिपूरचक्र)  | Navel  | **Lākinyambā**   | Red-Colored|Flesh  |Rice with Jaggery<br>(गुडान्न) | [Verse 102-103][4]|Solar Plexus|

    |  4. | **Anāhatachakra** <br>(अनाहतचक्र)  |Heart  | **Rākiṇyambā** | Black-colored | Blood  |Greasy Food<br>(स्निग्धौदन)   | [Verse 100-101][5]|Cardiac Plexus|

    |  5. | **Viśuddhachakra**<br> ( विशुद्धचक्र)  |Throat |   **Ḍākinīyambā**  |Rosy-Complexioned | Skin |Milk-food<br>(पायसान्न)  | [Verse 98-99][6]|Throat Chakra|

    |  6. | **Ājñācakra**<br> (आज्ञाचक्र)   | Forehead, in between<br>the eyebrows  | **Hākinīambā** | White |Marrow |Saffron-Flavored<br>(हरिद्रान्नैक-रसिका) |  [Verse 107-108][2]|Cavernous Plexus|

    |  7. | **Sahasrāra**<br> (सहस्रार)   | Brahmarandhra  | **Yākinyambā** | All-Colors | Semen |All foods<br>(सर्वौदन-प्रीतचित्ता)  | [Verse 109-110][7]|The Crown<br>Chakra|


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