How does concept of 84 Lakh birth came in picture? Karma

1 points | Post submitted by jay 1101 days ago | 4 comments | viewed 1605 times

How does concept of 84 Lakh birth came in picture? 

  • jay1101 days ago | +1 points

    The number of species and their further division is mentioned in the Skanda Purana. The number (of species) is eight million and four hundred thousand (84,00,000). They are divided into four types of two million and one hundred thousand (21,00,000) species each. It was told by SriVisnu to Brahma.

    Srivisnu said:

    Now, dear son, create duly nether worlds, earth, rivers, seas and forests in the Cosmic Sphere. The following too should be created: trees, mountains, bipeds, animals, birds, Gandharvas, Siddhas, Yaksas, Raksasas, beasts of prey and all those living beings of eight million and four hundred thousand species. They are to be of four different types, each consisting of two million and one hundred thousand species.

    They are:

    (1) Udbhijjas or species of vegetation that grow breaking up the surface of the earth;

    (2) Svedajas or sweat-born ones such as insects, worms etc.;

    (3) Jarayujas (viviparous beings) and

    (4) Andajas (oviparous beings). You create all these things quickly.”

    After saying this, he vanished. The Cosmic Egg was created by Brahma in the manner as instructed.


    • Durgi1096 days ago | +0 points

      Thanks for the details. Is there an option to share in other apps like whatsapp/signal/TG apart from copying the link?

      • Durgi1096 days ago | +0 points

        The link to the book is superb

      • jay1095 days ago | +1 points

        Will add the options to share the link! 

        that is good feature request. 


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