Notes on "Vedas" and "Agamas" being "Apurusheya" ( Vedas

2 points | Post submitted by ichat 1187 days ago | 0 comments | viewed 848 times

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This "Vedas and Agamas are Apurusheya" is such a metadata level statement that many often fail to get into the data part of it. What element of it is Apurusheya? If there are stories about demigods & men in the Vedas, and there are many, how are they Apurusheya?

There are 3 parts to it: 1. Underlying interpretation of the "stories", 2. Ritualistic processes, and 3. Vedantic philosophies. Clearly 1 is recast, because characters from this MahaKalpa are involved. 2 and 3 can truly be eternal, and not bound to any MahaKalpa.

People often talk about answers on this topic provided by various sampradaya archaryas, over the course of several past centuries. E.g., Shankara-peethas have explanations for these as well (the stories of the Vedas do not "form" the Vedas, but the stories of the Vedas "follow" the Vedas).

I don't think during the middle ages the human intellect was operating in the way it is operating now. This explanation above becomes confusing if you ask further questions. E.g., so the stories recited in the Vedas "followed the Vedas". So it has a circular referencing.

In order to accept that the Vedas we have in our hands is Apurusheya, one then has to agree that everything described in the Vedas came from a previous MahaKalpa. If in every MahaKalpa history exactly repeats itself, then why is ParaBrahman boring Itself?

Creation has no point but like seeing repeat telecasts? I refuse to accept ParaBrahman has an exhaustible source of imagination. We need to look deeper to understand the element of Apurusheya-ness.

Often people are skeptical to talk about these matters in public. There is a quantum of fear or apprehension that these topics can be picked up by anti-Hindu forces to demean Hinduism further.

We're afraid only when we have a weak foundation. Then every storm can shake us. I can defend both Apurusheya aspect and the core intent of Creation, why ParaBrahman wants us to follow the "do your Karma, as per your Dharma" dictat. Let any storm come.

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