Why do the gods look like human beings? Iconography

1 points | Post submitted by jay 1415 days ago | 1 comments | viewed 1046 times

The gods generally have a humanoid form: one head, two eyes, two ears, two arms, two legs, etc. Of course some gods have individual variations: Vishnu has four arms, Brahma has four heads, Indra has a thousand eyes, Ganesha has an elephant head, etc. But they're all variations on the standard human form. My question is, why do the gods, as well as other races like Asuras and Gandharvas, resemble human beings rather than other animals? Or to put it another way, why is it that humans resemble the gods, Asuras, Gandharvas, etc., and other animals do not?

  • harigoyal1415 days ago | +0 points

    We human personify or humanized natural phenomenon/events/Gods so, naturally we gave them our shape.


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