Is remarriage for the innocents (man or woman) allowed as per Hindu scriptures? Are there any prayaschitha karmas (compensatory or purification rites)? Vivaha

4 points | Post submitted by jay 1470 days ago | 3 comments | viewed 984 times

Marriage in Sanātana Dharma was or is never a personal matter instead it is a social matter and responsibility. We all know that, there is no concept of "divorce" in Hinduism. But somehow, our law today is as such. People have divorce for different reasons. If a person gets a divorce by getting accused of something he or she has not done. I believe most laws today are in favor of women. On the other hand, there also many cases of women who were harassed by their in-laws and husbands. I've personally have seen such cases both in case of men and women.

Is remarriage for the innocents (man or woman) allowed as per Hindu scriptures? Are there any prayaschitha karmas (compensatory or purification rites)?

  • metadota1470 days ago | +1 points

    In Vishnu Smriti:

    He who forsakes a faultless wife should be punished like a thief.

    If there is a lack of Harmony between husband and wife, then divorce is allowed.

    For one year let a husband bear with a wife who hates him; but after that let him deprive her of her [share] of the property and cease to live with her. [But he should still make arrangements for her clothing and food.] (Manu 9;77.)

    Alcoholism in either parties is a justification for divorce:

    She who drinks spiritous liquor, is of bad conduct, rebellious, diseased (with leprosy), violent, or wasteful of money, may at any time be superseded by another wife. (Manu 9;80)

    One who drinks wine, or is diseased, or guileful, or barren, or destructive of wealth, or harsh-tongued, or brings forth only female children*, or bears malice towards her man,—shall be superseded. (Yajnyavalkya 1.73)

    • harigoyal1469 days ago | +0 points

      So how is this NOT a divorce with a cause and how we say that Hinduism has no concept of divorce. There is a word also for divorce called Vivah Vichched (विवाह विच्छेद)


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