Why do Sammnyaasis - Monks wear Gerua-Ochre? Sannyasa

5 points | Post submitted by veddev 1458 days ago | 2 comments | viewed 1360 times

Why do the Dharmic Monks wear ochre robes - what is the significance meaning and reason?

  • jay1458 days ago | +2 points

    If there is any color that can symbolize all aspects of Hinduism, it's saffron - the color of Agni or fire, which reflects the Supreme Being. As such, the fire altar is regarded as a distinct symbol of ancient Vedic rites. The saffron color, also auspicious to the Sikhs, the Buddhists and the Jains, seems to have obtained religious significance much before these religions came into being.

    Fire worship had its origin in the Vedic age. The foremost hymn in the Rig Veda glorifies fire: "Agnimile purohitam yagnasya devam rtvijam, hotaram ratna dhatamam." When sages moved from one ashram to another, it was customary to carry fire along. The inconvenience to carry a burning substance over long distances may have given rise to the symbol of a saffron flag. Triangular and often forked saffron flags are seen fluttering atop most Sikh and Hindu temples. While Sikhs regard it as a militant color, Buddhist monks and Hindu saints wear robes of this color as a mark of renunciation of material life.

    Saffron color is color of "Tyag".

    As hinduism believes nothing is yours, everything is given by supreme lord , the emotion of "Tyag" plays important role in hinduism.

    Also , when first ray of Sun arises , which brigs you in light from dark , the color of that first ray of sun is Safron.

    So , Safron is the first color which brings you from dark to light every day. Thats why Saint Dhnyaneshwar Maharaj ( Popular saint from maharashtra, Pune) took Safron flag while going to "Sanjivan Samadhi".

    Whoever has become popular in Hinduism , had the emotion of "Tyag" towards material life.

    Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj (Founder of maratha empire) has took Safron flag as the flag of Maratha Empire. So , while describing how Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was , to his son Sambhaji Maharaj (of course after death of shivaji maharaj), Saint Ramadas Swami ( popular saint from Maharashtra , Satara) says :

    "Sakal Sukhancha Kela Tyag"

    i.e. By taking Safron flag in hand Chhatrapati Shivaji maharaj renunced all the material aspects in the life.


  • veddev1458 days ago | +1 points

    Gerua  represents -

    1. The Fire of Renunciation and Truth.

    2. The very Ground of Being, it is not the Tree, Root, Leaf or Fruit anymore althou it is their very bases - It has become the very ground. Hindus will recall that every Diwali we paint with Gerua the earthen pots.

    3.The light of dawn - VIBGYOR. It is between O and R.

    4. When you mix yellowish White sandalwood and Red Sandalwood - you get a saffronish tinge - It is the union of Father And Mother. The descent of Spirit . It reminds us of the Supreme Spirit.


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