How much Sadhana or Bhakti is enough? Hindu philosophy Bhakti

2 points | Post submitted by Ronak 365 152 days ago | 0 comments | viewed 2294 times

How much Sadhana or Bhakti is enough? Before I start writing more let me bow to the lotus feet of Guru Dattatreya and other great Gurus of his lineage. Whatever little I am going to share is all his will. Mistakes are mine and all credit, his.

So often we come at point where we feel that we did enough and Prabhu is not interested in us. Inspite of doing "So much" my life is unchanged. My humble opinion is to not to think that a particular point is enough in Sadhana. For, we do not know our account. I feel our lives are balance sheets, whose debit and credit figures are not known to us. Hence, we are not in a position to assess that "this much" is enough. Verily we can understand what Vasudev Krishna tries to assert on Nishkam Bhakti. We should try and merge our sadhana, as love to Prabhu and thus submitting all the efforts and fruits to him, and do not take ownership of Karma. This though difficult can lead to magical changes. 

We must give it our best, and be ready for the grace to come any moment. In this path dedication and Bhava are a must. let me share an episode of PP Gulawani Maharaj, a spiritual giant from Pune, Maharashtra, who pioneered Shaktipat Mahayoga and Datta Upasana, and led many towards path of enlightenment. 

The Yearning..


Pic Courtesy - Vasudev Niwas, Pune.

Gulawani Maharaj decided to to take up a job in Mumbai. This was just for survival and he really wanted to focus on spirituality. He could get a job easily, given his high Art qualifications. He wanted a job that would not be an obstacle to his daily Sadhana routine. Unfortunately, this was not possible. He gave up the job search and went to Ganagapur and made resolution to do 7 Saptahs [7 week reading] of the Gurucharitra. It was Hot summer.

He finished the 6 Saptahs and met a Ramal [ a type of an astrologer]. He conveyed his wish of meeting his Guru to the Ramal. Ramal informed him that if the meeting did not happen in this six months, it will never happen. Gulawani Maharaj had made his life's sole aim to spend life with his Swami Mahraj. On hearing Ramal's words, he made reunion with his Guru as the top priority. He finished the last 7th Saptah in just a day. He submitted his sole possessions 2 umbrellas to the Pujari ad embarked on the journey to meet his Guru, without knowing his whereabouts, penniless and clueless. 

Tembe Swami was on constant move based on the Chaturmas. Gulawani Maharaj had heard, that Swami Maharaj was doing Chaturmas in south. Gulawani Maharaj first went to Solapur, where he started walking besides the Railway tracks. He kept on walking barefoot in the scorching heat, in the arid region, with just 2 sets of clothes. During the hot afternoon , he would sit by a well to perform Daily rituals, quench is thirst. Once, he starved for 2 days, then found a Brahman household and got some food there. At night, he would find a shelter and rest. This journey went on for 2 months from 6th June,1910 to 3rd August,1910. 700 kms on foot, 700 kms were travelled on Train. Sometimes, he went starved, sometimes he ate in marriages, messes. Gulawani Maharaj embraced all the challenges with open arms. Finally, he was at the Charan Kamal of Paramhamsa Parivrajakacharya Vasudevanand Swami Maharaj, at Havnur. Lot of amazing experiences took place in next few days, including Sakshatkaar of Guru Dattatreya...

Accounts taken from Shades of Divine grace (Thanks to Vasudev Niwas)

Thus we must try to emulate Maharaj Shri and try our best. I do understand it easier said than done, but an ocean can be built with drops. Start doing Sadhana for atleast 10 mins in a day, but those 10 mins must only be for him, and then gradually one can start increasing..

Jai Girnari!

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